Thursday, 18 October 2018

Health benefits of eating raw garlic

Benefits of consuming Garlic


Its scientific name is Allium sativum. Garlic has a pungent taste. Since ancient times it has been known for its medicinal properties. Garlic bulbs are used sliced or crushed to flavor sauces, stews, and salad dressings. The membranous skin of the garlic bulb encloses up to 20  cloves.

Garlic contains alliinase enzymes, nicotinic acid, germanium, awc, selenium, sativene, sinistr ainend scordinin.

Nutrients present in the garlic:

               It contains minerals such as Zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, calcium and iron, iodine, Sulphur, and chlorine. Garlic is rich in folate, thiamine, niacin, and vitamin C, A, K, and B6. It consists of the rare sources like allicin, allisatin 1, and allisatin 2. Garlic is low in calories, saturated fats and sodium.

Health Benefits:

1.  Garlic Lowers cholesterol level

          By consuming Garlic daily in our lowers the cholesterol level. It lowers the        bad           cholesterol (LDL). Since Garlic is rich in allicin compounds it prevents LDL cholesterol         from oxidizing. Those who have high cholesterol level should  include raw garlic their             daily diet.

 2.  Garlic keeps Diabetes in control

         Diabetes is a complex disease. But garlic offers many benefits to the diabetic patient. It      is not recommended to use garlic with honey. Garlic helps to reduce glucose level. But            they  should consume right amount of garlic. Doctors do not recommend to consume a            garlic without consulting an health care provider.

   3. Garlic Prevents Cancer

               Research has shown that garlic is highly beneficial to fairly eliminate the risk of                 prostate, it also eliminates esophageal and colon cancer. It reduces and eliminates the               process of production of caricinogenic substances which are responsible for causing the          deadly disease called cancer. Garlic is popular to eliminate the possibility of cyst and tumor     development in the breast which results in causing breast cancer.

      4.  Purifies your Blood
            Consuming raw garlic cloves which is crushed and mixed it with honey (diabetes patient    should not mix honey) helps to keep the pure by removing unwanted toxins. Garlic                  performs the functions of cleansing the body throwing out all the toxins out of the body.        Garlic also helps to reduce skin related problems.
     5. It Boosts your immune system

           If you consume garlic in daily basis it boots your immune system which helps to prevent     cold and cough and it prevents foreign bodies such as bacteria which attacks to our skin.         Owning to its antioxidant quality, garlic eliminates free radicals and harmful toxins flushing     them out from the body. 

                 Consuming raw carrot
 gives exercise to the teeth and it also improves eye health.